1005 Merrywood Dr, Edison NJ 08817

Support services for MSPs

Support services for MSPs

Managed Service Providers (MSP) often tend to add multiple new offerings to their catalog so that they can go out and seek high-end clients who can generate more sales. But usually, they won’t have enough time and resources to undertake this initiative, with their staff saddled with the mundane daily tasks.

Since MSPs mostly end up spending more time and money to connect their business to the relevant software, services, and people, which don’t fulfill their exact requirement. As they provide solutions that are non-customizable to the changing needs of their clients, the MSPs gets bogged down instead of expanding their service bandwidth.

To effectively overcome this tight spot, MSPs require partnership with someone who offers highly customizable services and human resources that would help them increase their service spectrum reducing the risk associated with tackling the rapid growth. In these cases, such a partnership eases the burden on their resources and redirects their resource’s time to more strategic, revenue-generating activities.

With the paradigm shift that is happening within the MSP offered services domain, more providers are today opting for white label partners. To be precise, the white label partner creates a custom-made solution for MSPs and provide them the resources where their workforce acts as a remote employee, using their documentation system to support the MSPs.

A partnership with the white label provider like Softkeys allows the MSPs to integrate additional values into their business. They help them to legally resell their brand name with the goods and services produced by their partner company along with allowing them to provide outstanding services with the niche expertise that they put forward while leaving their customers more satisfied and content, they can also get to broaden their business without expanding the resources.

To make a strategic business plan work effectively, an MSP needs to build trust and have an ongoing engagement with the vendor. Both the vendor and MSP will need to create an in-depth development and growth plans with an agreement to bring synergy to their plans. Softkeys can also help the MSP execute a strategic business plan by providing an overlay of services that the MSP is not able to provide themselves. These may include technical and marketing resources, strategic guidance from the management team.

A strong vendor partnership can also enhance operational efficiency using a vendor’s business management products, which allow MSPs to sell more and reduce the number of resources required by automating and simplifying many business processes.

The major reasons justifying why your business needs a white label partnership are as follows:

  1. Provide additional value to the business
  2. A source to attain more leads
  3. An increment in the bottom line
  4. Enhanced brand awareness
  5. Expansion of the service offerings
  6. Improvement in the standards of customer services